Friday, October 7, 2011

Occupy San Diego Coverage / Voices From the Crowd

by A. D. Reiff

11:00 AM
Today in downtown San Diego publicly demonstrated support of the 99% ,also know as the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, is scheduled to begin, in earnest.  Showing community sensitivity, the ad hoc group will begin the Occupy San Diego demonstration and march at 2:00 in  Children's Park at Front Street and Island Ave. and then end the day's activity by sundown respecting the beginning of the Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur.  The Occupy San Diego group will then resume it's action at the Civic Center at 4:00 PM on Saturday 10/8/11.

Voices From the Crowd

2:00 PM to 5:50 PM Friday, 10/7/11, Downtown San Diego

A series of interviews of participants and bystanders of the 99% Occupy San Diego 10/7/11 action. Video of the March from Children's Park to the Civic Center to follow.

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: A Bystander

Video Posted 10/10/11 10:30 AM

Occupy Wall Street 10/7/11: It's Not Right

Video Post 10/10/11  11:00 AM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: Feeling It

Video Posted 10/10 11:50 AM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: A Conversation

Video Posted 10/10 2:40 PM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: Reason

Video Posted 10/10/11 3:51 PM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: On Our Backs

Video Posted 10/10/11 3:50 PM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11: Join Us

Video Posted  10/10/11 4:00 PM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11:The Problem

Video Posted om 10/10/11 4:20 PM

Occupy San Diego 10/7/11:On Wealth and Influence

Video Posted 10/10/11 6:00 pm

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