Friday, October 28, 2011

Publisher's Journal: The Commitment to the Community Act of 2012

Publisher’s Journal
by Andrew D. Reiff

I feel so much better now that I’ve solved the country’s economic woes!

To best emerge from the Big Mess we have to legislate “The Commitment to the Community Act of 2012" (CCA).   Simply, it puts the rich back to work.

We won’t  raise taxes on rich folk but we will make them buy stuff.  I mean good stuff.

Government, here’s your job, make the rich buy warehouses full of solar panels, organic seeds, water and air purification systems, wild grass-fed bull  manure. Pass the CCA! Make them buy that stuff!  Make them buy a lot of it, with big penalties if they don’t.  

Sell them top notch stuff and give them fair value.

They won’t let the stuff just lay around in containers, or in the warehouses they have had to build or rent to house all the good stuff. They will deal! 

They’ll get to dealing the stuff out for us to use, right quick, they are good at that. They will make their profit and pay for more stuff. 

We'll get the work!  We’ll make the good stuff and charge for delivery, too!  A lot of good stuff will get made and used.   People will feel purposed in their lives. We will all be happier.  Energy will be cleaner and cheaper, our food will taste better and be nutritious, clean air and water will make us healthier. And we all can relax and enjoy the game.

The Commitment to the Community Act of 2012 (CCA).

This was the first in a series of editorials from The San Diego Citizen Journal.

Random question of the day: Have you considered the value of hand made furniture?

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